The Central Apparatus for Addressing the Status of Illegal Residents (bedoun) announced that the status of 18,427 people of this category of people has been modified since 2011 until the end of September 2022.

Director of the Status Adjustment Department in the apparatus, Brigadier General Muhammad Al-Wahib told KUNA that 9,372 illegal residents have completed the procedures to adjust their status in all state agencies and have obtained legal residence in the country, reports a local Arabic daily.

Al-Waheeb added that various departments of the agency have inferred the nationalities of more than 9,055 people with confirmed documents and valid evidence through father’s, grandfather’s or the same person’s documents.

He stated that 12,901 people are of Saudi nationality, including 5,945 people who have completed the procedures to adjust their status in state agencies, and the status of 6,956 others to this nationality are being pursued.

Al-Waheeb indicated that 1,835 persons are of Iraqi nationality out of which 1,139 persons have completed the procedures for amending their status, and the concerned authority is pursuing the 696 persons to amend their status.

He pointed out that 1,137 persons of Syrian nationality, including 858, have completed the procedures to amend their status, and the status of 279 persons to this nationality is being followed up.

Al-Waheeb stated 115 of the 318 persons of Iranian nationality have adjusted their status and follow-up is underway to amend the statuses of 203 people.

Meanwhile, 51 out of 116 persons of Jordanian nationality have completed adjusting their status and the authority is pursuing 65 persons to adjust their statuses.

This is in addition to 2155 persons of other nationalities, including 1,264 persons who have completed their procedures and 856 others are expected to complete their amendment soon.

He called on anyone who wishes to amend his status to visit the headquarters of the Central Agency in the suburb of Al-Ardiya area to regularize his residence and reconcile his status according to the residence laws in force in Kuwait.

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