The campaigns organized by the General Traffic Department last week resulted in the arrest of 20 juveniles for reckless driving without a license and endangering their lives and the lives of others. They were detained and have been referred to the Juvenile Prosecution.

During the campaigns, 31,345 traffic violations were issued, and 91 cars and motorcycles were referred to the Traffic Detention Garage. Traffic men also dealt with 1,555 traffic accidents, 211 serious accidents and 1,344 minor collisions, reports Al-Anba daily.

The accidents that occurred during the blessed Eid Al-Fitr holiday resulted in the death of 3 people, in two accidents that occurred on the first and second days of Eid Al-Fitr on the Sixth Ring Road, in addition to injuring about 10 other people.

Traffic police also arrested 16 violators of the residence law and 13 persons who had been sentenced in absentia. The campaigns resulted in the seizure of 15 vehicles required by the judiciary and 3 vehicles reported stolen by their owners.

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