The Civil Service Commission has decided to allocate 15,000 dinars to each ministry to hire Kuwaitis in the field of consultancy services and/or other professions.

A local Arabic daily said the CSC has officially indicated that it is necessary to adhere to the amount allocated monthly for each ministerial portfolio to seek the services of Kuwaitis and the concerned minister requesting the assistance has the authority to terminate the services of such employees before the end of their period according to what he decides in this regard, provided the CSC is given proof for termination.

According to the letter, the hired person must not be a member of any of the committees or work teams formed in the entity or elsewhere, and he may not issue decisions, instructions, directives, sign correspondence, checks, or or contact or communicate with the entities, or interfering in its business, follow up its business, represent the minister or act on his behalf, and it is not permissible to seek the services of the same person in more than one portfolio during the period of using his services.

The Civil Service Council determined the rules, provisions, and controls for using the services of non-retirement citizens outside official working hours.

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