The third batch of the Oxford vaccine shipment containing 388,000 doses is expected to arrive in the country on Monday, coming from Russia. This will be utilized towards accelerating the rate of anti-coronavirus vaccinations in the country in the coming days due to large demand, health officials revealed to Al-Qabas daily.

These officials said that the number of doses given to citizens and expats have exceeded 1,500,000 doses since December until now, with a rate of 34.5% of the total population of 4.7 million people.

They explained that the number of people who have received two vaccine doses is about 600,000 people, which constitute about 13% of the total population.

According to officials, these figures will be taken into account in the decisions to be made by the Council of Ministers at its upcoming meeting on Monday. The topics to be scrutinized include the curfew and the opening of some commercial activities in the country, such as allowing restaurants to permit dine ins, provided that the health requirements set by the concerned authorities are fully adhered to, in addition to opening children stores and other forms of entertainment.

The officials stated that the council will consider raising the attendance rate of employees in ministries, and government agencies to 70% instead of 30% as it is now.

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