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Jazeera Airways to operate direct flights between Kuwait, Albania

H. E. Ilir Hysa, the Ambassador of Albania to Kuwait, said the airline will initially operate two flights per week between the two countries, with plans to increase the number to three per week in the future.

  • H. E. Ilir Hysa, the Ambassador of Albania to Kuwait, cited high demand from Kuwaiti tourists as the reason for reopening the direct route to Albania.

  • Albania attracted over 3,000 Kuwaiti tourists last year, becoming a new hotspot for them. Kuwaitis and Article 17 ‘Bedoon’ passport holders enjoy visa exemptions for Albania. Residents with valid Schengen, British, or US visas are also exempt.

  • The Kuwait Fund has loaned Albania about 100 million euros for infrastructure projects.

  • The Albanian community in Kuwait is small, comprising only 130 members, but it’s highly skilled and qualified.

His Excellency Ilir Hysa, the Ambassador of Albania to the country, lauded the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFED) for its substantial contributions to infrastructure development. He revealed that the fund provided Albania with around 100 million euros in favorable loans for this purpose.

Ambassador Hysa noted during a statement to journalists, coinciding with the presentation on tourism in Albania in collaboration with Jazeera Airways, that Kuwaiti government entities, individuals, and charitable organizations have played a significant and ongoing role in his country since the 1990s. He highlighted their efforts in building over 600 mosques nationwide, emphasizing Kuwait’s pervasive influence in Albania. He also mentioned that the main street in the Albanian capital, Tirana, is named Kuwait in Arabic script.

The Albanian ambassador mentioned that the volume of trade between our two countries is still below expectations and doesn’t reflect the available capabilities. He noted that trade rates are quite low, primarily focusing on products like honey and olive oil.

In response to a question regarding health cooperation between the two countries, His Excellency revealed the existence of a cooperation agreement in this field, “but it has not yet been activated.” He noted ongoing health cooperation with private hospitals, where several Albanian doctors are employed.

Additionally, he highlighted that “the Albanian community in Kuwait consists of no more than 130 individuals, but it is a highly skilled and qualified community, with members including university professors and doctors specializing in important fields.”

The ambassador explained the facilities offered to investors, stating, “Foreigners have the right to establish a private company solely in their name, without requiring an Albanian partner, for a fee of only one euro and within half an hour.” He further mentioned, “Regarding ownership, foreigners are granted permanent ownership of any property, regardless of size, as well as land ownership.”

Regarding investors’ eligibility for permanent residency in his country, Ambassador Hysa explained, “It starts with a one-year residency, followed by two years, and then permanent residency.” He also noted that “investors with investments exceeding 10 million euros, known as strategic investors, have the right to apply for citizenship in Albania.”

Regarding flights between Kuwait and Albania, the Albanian ambassador explained that the direct route via Jazeera Airways between the two countries will initially operate with two flights per week. He expressed hope for the number of flights to increase to three per week in the future.

His Excellency explained that the reopening of the direct route between the two countries is due to numerous requests from Kuwaiti tourists wanting to visit Albania. He noted that his country has become a new destination for Kuwaiti tourists.

Ambassador Hysa mentioned that the number of Kuwaiti tourists who visited Albania last year exceeded 3,000. He further explained, “Kuwaitis are exempt from entry visas to Albania, and holders of an Article 17 ‘Bedoon’ passport are also exempt. Residents of Kuwait or elsewhere, across various parts of the world, are exempt from visas if they hold a valid multi-entry Schengen, British, or American visa.”

Albania ranks third in tourism growth globally

Ambassador Hysa highlighted that his country ranked third globally in terms of tourism growth, receiving over ten million tourists from around the world last year. This was attributed to its strategic proximity to Italy, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Macedonia.

Additionally, the ambassador mentioned that more than 70 percent of Albania’s population is Muslim, and Albanian cuisine is halal.

He explained that the most significant city in his country is the capital, Tirana, with a population of one million people. It also houses the main airport, which handles over 200 flights daily.

High-level visits by Albanian officials

Ambassador Hysa responded to a question about the presence of visits by high-level Albanian officials to Kuwait by stating, “For the past ten years, we have not seen high-level visits by Albanian officials,” mentioning that the COVID-19 pandemic was one reason for the delay in visits by the President of Albania and the Speaker of the Albanian Parliament. He revealed preparations for high-level visits in the future.

Albania’s political situation stable

Regarding the political situation in his country, the Albanian ambassador affirmed that “the political situation in our country is stable. Albania is a member of NATO and an official candidate to join the European Union.” He pointed out that his country’s relationships with its neighbors and other countries worldwide are “excellent.”

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