Ask Mira

Intestinal Gas and Flatulence

Loud gas burps and flatulence, especially in public, are undoubtedly embarrassing.
Overeating, eating too quickly, excessive consumption of soft drinks and alcohol, emotional stress, talking or drinking are all factors linked to generating intestinal gases and flatulence.

However, the major reason for generating undesirable intestinal responses are the type of foods that one eats. Lactose (the sugar found in dairy products), is one such product that people who are very sensitive to it cannot digest. Some of the other foods that cause gas and flatulence in people include cabbage, beans, lentils, broccoli, onion, radish and green pepper.

Luckily, with certain adjustments in our food choices and eating habits, this embarrassing situation can be eliminated. Below are a few tips in this regard:

Do not overeat; stop eating before you are full, not after.

  • Chew the food you eat, slowly and thoroughly, so you enjoy the taste, texture and flavors of the foods you are consuming.
  • Avoid talking when you eat, as air will dissipate into your intestines causing flatulence and bloating.
  • Chew a sprig of parsley after your meals.
  • Identify if there are certain foods you eat that lead to gas and flatulence, and if possible eliminate them from your diet.
  • Decrease or eliminate the consumption of soft drinks, as these are full of gas, and you certainly do not need extra gas in your intestine. Some people drink 7up or Perrier water when feeling full and bloated, but these drinks contain gases and just worsen the situation.
  • While fiber is good for the body, it may increase bloating. Stop eating foods that are high in fiber, until you feel comfortable.
  • Having yogurt can help the digestive process as it is loaded with probiotics- and prebiotics.
  • Ginger has been shown to promote the flow of digestive juices in the intestinal tract, and this is an excellent process that supports the digestive system.
  • Peppermint, fennel and anise based teas are very useful as well. They contain flatulence-relieving properties.
  • Fennel, in particular, needs special mention as this herb is used in many natural remedies that treat constipation and bloating. Fennel seeds provide quick relief from many digestive disorders like intestinal cramps, acid indigestion and gases.
  • Add fennel to your salads and stews if they contain veggies that cause gas formation, to decrease this gassy effect on you.

Every condition has its solution. Eat Smart, Live Well!

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