Foreign Affairs Minister: Kuwait Fund for Development right arm of Kuwait’s foreign policy

The Kuwait Fund for Development, in the presence of its Chairman and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdullah Al-Yahya , held its annual ceremony at the headquarters yesterday morning. The ceremony was hosted to felicitate current long-term employees who have worked in the Fund for more than 20 years, in addition to retired employees for their dedication throughout the previous years.
On this occasion, Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya, in a statement, praised the role that the Fund provides within the framework of supporting and strengthening bilateral relations between Kuwait and other sisterly countries. This was made possible through its contributions to financing projects in more than 105 countries around the world over a period of more than 6 years. He hoped that the Fund would continue its development, being the right arm of the foreign policy of the State of Kuwait.
The Minister also stressed that the Fund is committed to Kuwait’s motto and mission, that aims to ‘help people help themselves’ by continuing its tireless work in various development fields, to alleviate the suffering of the peoples of the entire world.
The Acting Director General of the Fund, Walid Al-Bahr, said that the annual ceremony comes as a continuation of the effective communication between the Fund’s employee families, based on acknowledging the important role played by the Fund’s employees, and in appreciation of their focused path towards serving the global effort for development.
It should be noted that the Kuwait Fund for Development has completed its 62nd year in a pioneering development process locally and abroad, relying on its strategy of financing projects that contribute to achieving sustainable goals, relying on itself with self-financing, and its investments around the world, without posing a burden on the State budget.