Ask MiraFeaturedRamadan 2024

Excellence in Ramadan fasting

Fasting during Ramadan serves as a powerful detoxification for our bodies, offering an effective means to cleanse our digestive system and rid ourselves of toxins.

The concept of Ramadan and healthy fasting during this holy month appears to be misunderstood by many people. They often indulge in excessive eating from the moment they break their fast until they stop after the Suhoor meal. This leads to abdominal discomfort, constipation, headaches, indigestion, and weight gain.

Fasting during Ramadan is not only a physical challenge but also a mental one. While individuals may have different approaches to preparing their minds and bodies, here are some tips to help you adjust to the daily fast.

Since you fast for more than 10 hours, it is important to be mindful of the food you eat during the non-fasting period. Opting for slow-digesting foods such as fiber-rich vegetables over fast-digesting options like juices, white bread, sweets, and sugary drinks can help sustain you throughout the day. Fast-digesting foods may leave you feeling hungry again just 2 to 3 hours after eating.

People are often confused over why they tend to gain weight easily during this month, even though they are fasting for much of this time. The reason is that when fasting for over 10 hours, our metabolism slows down. Introducing food after these fasting hours can lead to easy weight gain. Consider the effect of consuming large quantities in one sitting: with your metabolism lowered, your body is not burning enough calories, resulting in significant weight gain.

Below is a diet outline that you can easily implement to ensure you remain nourished throughout the fasting period without putting on added weight.

Start with:

  • ½ cup of low-fat yogurt and three dates. Dates are rich in iron, magnesium, and potassium, making them ideal for rehydration.
  • 1 glass of water; remember, you have not consumed water for hours, so stay hydrated.
  • 1 small plate of fattoush or any plain green salad.
  • 1 small bowl of broth or non-creamy soup. The salad and soup provide essential vitamins and minerals while helping to replenish fluid loss and prevent dehydration. These food choices are slow-digesting, providing prolonged satiety.
  • After completing the first part, take time to pray, walk, or rest.

One hour later:

  • Enjoy a plate of the main meals: Tachriba, hariss, jerish, steamed rice with lean proteins such as beef, chicken, or fish.
  • You can indulge in a sweet treat, but limit it to three to four times a week. Instead, opt for a piece of fruit or a fruit salad rich in fiber and vitamins.

For Suhoor:

  • Do not make your main dish heavy for Suhoor, as this meal is usually consumed late, resulting in slower metabolism.
  • Choose light options, especially those that will not cause thirst the next day. For example, a small plate of steamed rice and yogurt can be a good choice. Rice helps retain water in the body, provides energy, and keeps you feeling full for longer. Yogurt, especially the low-sodium version, is refreshing.
  • Avoid juices due to their high sugar content, which can quickly trigger thirst.
  • Avoid tea and coffee at night as they act as diuretics, leading to dehydration and disrupting sleep due to their caffeine content.
  • A fruit platter is a hydrating option rich in essential minerals.
  • A bowl of foul, especially when combined with fresh tomatoes, is a good choice.
  • Baked potatoes topped with low-fat labneh, cucumbers, and fresh lettuce make for a satisfying option.
  • And do not forget to drink plenty of water to replenish lost fluids.
  • Ramadan Kareem to all those fasting once again.
  • Be sure to log in to to subscribe to my diet programs.

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