Editor-in-Chief welcomes guests to Ramadan Diwaniya

Editor-in-Chief of The Times, Kuwait, Tareq Al Shumaimry, held his annual Ramadan Diwaniya last week to welcome guests and wellwishers on the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Diplomats from various countries took the opportunity to visit the Diwanyia to greet and exchange Ramadan greetings with Kuwaitis gathered there on the occasion. The diwaniya is an integral part of Kuwaiti life and traditional social interaction. It takes full bloom during the Holy Month of Ramadan when people visit each other in Diwaniyas to not only exchange greetings but also to catch up on old times.
The Kuwaiti diwaniya in Ramadan is really a beautiful feature of Kuwaiti culture. All people are welcomed warmly to the diwaniyas they visit, and this helps break barriers creates a sense of warmth between the host and Ambassador of India H.E. Jeeva Sagar visitors to his diwaniya, as together they share in the joy of Ramadan.