Around Town

DPS Fifth Graders paint a picture of global harmony

The Annual Day celebration with the theme “Around the World in a Day” captivated attendees with its dynamic and magnificent atmosphere, leaving everyone enchanted by its grandeur and liveliness.

Fahaheel Al Watanieh Indian Private School (DPS) in Kuwait unveiled an unforgettable experience on January 29, as Grade Five students presented the eagerly anticipated Annual Day celebration with the theme ‘Around the World in a Day’.

The event captivated attendees with its magnificent atmosphere, leaving everyone enchanted by its grandeur and liveliness.

The Annual Day welcomed dignitaries, including the Chief Guest, His Excellency Chitem Tenzin, the Ambassador of Bhutan, and the Guest of Honor, Dr. Susovana Nair, a renowned medical oncologist. Special guest Ms. Fatma Al Baluchi from the Ministry of Education also graced the occasion.

The event began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp followed by an address from Principal Mr. Ravi Ayanoli to the parents and faculty in the auditorium. Excitement filled the air as attendees eagerly anticipated the cultural extravaganza presented by their children. The event showcased a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions from around the world, taking the audience on a mesmerizing journey through countries such as France, Scotland, Japan, India, and the Middle Eastern region.

The festivities began with a lively and melodious French song performed by students adorned in vibrant attire reflecting the colors of the French flag. It was fascinating to witness their performance in a foreign language. The musical segment showcased their talent through renditions of French songs, encapsulating the essence of French music.

Captivating the audience with tales of Scotland’s beauty and heritage, accompanied by enchanting displays of highland dance and marching, all adorned in traditional Scottish attire with kilts and the stirring melodies of bagpipe music. The haunting tunes of bagpipes and the rhythmic cadence of drums evoke imagery of Scotland’s misty highlands, transporting spectators to a distant realm.

Subsequently, the audience was thrilled to transition to Japan, where the serene beauty of the country and its vibrant culture and traditions were showcased.

The stage ignited with a high-energy warm-up routine inspired by Japan’s fitness culture, Tabata. Accompanied by lively music resonating through the auditorium, students presented a sequence of dynamic stretches and exercises, highlighting the advantages of Tabata training for holistic fitness.

Following that, the stage illuminated another facet of Japan with the enchanting realm of Japanese tradition through a captivating Fan Dance performance.

Adorned in intricate Kimono robes, students elegantly traversed the stage, with each movement paying homage to the artistry and poise of Japanese culture, leaving an indelible impression on all spectators.

Next was a celebration of India’s Folk Tradition with a Bollywood blend, paying homage to Indian Cinema. The award-winning song “Natu Natu,” renowned for its catchy lyrics, served as the ideal backdrop for students to showcase their talent.

From vibrant group choreography to soulful solo performances, they captured the essence of Indian cinema, immersing the audience in the enchanting realm of Bollywood. As the performance reached its peak, their voices harmonized in unison, celebrating the spirit of unity and patriotism that unites the nation, India.

The program concluded with a celebration of Gulf culture, where the anchors effectively conveyed the essence of the Arabian Peninsula, highlighting its beauty and ancient traditions. The students’ lively performance showcased the timeless appeal of Gulf traditions, underscoring the rich diversity of cultures worldwide.

In conclusion, Senior Head Mistress Ms. Deepa Elizabeth extended thanks to all who contributed to the remarkable success of the event. The annual day program proved to be an outstanding achievement, setting a new standard and leaving a lasting impression on the audience, encapsulating the unforgettable voyage “Around the World in a Day.”

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