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Controversy surrounds proposal to implement fingerprinting for education staff

Dr. Badr Al-Issa, former Minister of Education, ignited a parliamentary and media uproar with his proposal to implement fingerprinting for teaching staff at the Ministry of Education. Many teachers have expressed opposition, arguing that such a system does not align with the nature of their work, deeming it unnecessary and potentially demeaning.

Al-Issa defended the proposal, stating that fingerprinting is a measure aimed at controlling negligence and improving productivity in the workplace. He emphasized the need for optimal working conditions for teachers to fulfill their educational duties effectively, reports Al-Jarida daily.

Addressing concerns about the practicality of fingerprinting, Al-Issa suggested tailored approaches for different categories of educational and administrative staff. For mentors who visit multiple schools daily, he proposed a system where they would fingerprint at each school visited, with data linked to educational districts.

Regarding teaching staff, he proposed categorizing them based on workload and specialization, with varying fingerprinting requirements. He also recommended exempting certain specialized teachers, such as those in high-demand subjects like physics and mathematics, from fingerprinting as a recognition of their scarcity.

Al-Issa further stressed the importance of addressing surplus in certain specializations to prevent crises in schools, which can lead to irregular attendance and laxity among teachers. He called for transparency in publishing data on teacher numbers and specialization percentages to facilitate adjustments and maintain a balanced workforce.

While acknowledging potential challenges in implementing fingerprinting, Al-Issa urged for gradual adaptation and emphasized the necessity of preventive measures to address systemic issues within the education sector.

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