Challenges in Lebanon reinforce our commitment to openness, dialogue: Arafa
The Chargé d'Affaires of the Lebanese Embassy in Kuwait, said Kuwait is our second home and its people have opened their hearts to us as well as their homes

H.E. Ahmed Arafa, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Lebanese Embassy in Kuwait, said “The events unfolding in our country and the surrounding regions should strengthen our belief in the Lebanese values of openness, pluralism, dialogue, and acceptance of others”
H.E. Ahmed Arafa, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Lebanese Embassy in Kuwait, stressed that “the Lebanese living in Kuwait are not alienated, as Kuwait is our second home and its people are our people. They have opened their hearts to us as well as their homes. Even today, we continue to receive nothing but appreciation and support from them. This mutual loyalty is not surprising to either them or us, as we share a strong bond.”
Arafa’s speech took place during a Ramadan ceremony organized by the Lebanese Women’s Council and the Lebanese Business Council on Friday evening. The event was attended by a large group of members from the Lebanese community.
Arafa stated, “The holy month of Ramadan holds a special significance for Lebanon, symbolizing the resilience of the strong Lebanese mother who bravely endures many of life’s challenges. These include the crisis we are currently facing, the hardships caused by the migration of loved ones, and the sorrow resulting from the loss of family members due to Israeli aggression and the international community’s failure to find fair and comprehensive solutions for our region.”
He continued, “The events unfolding in our country and the surrounding regions should strengthen our belief in the Lebanese values of openness, pluralism, dialogue, and acceptance of others. Any shortcomings in our history are inherent to our essence as Lebanese, as evidenced by the beautiful gathering we have today. This should further reinforce our determination to find solutions independently, as there is nothing too challenging for the Lebanese.”