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Carmel School Kuwait conducts Investiture Ceremony 2024-2025, after a successful election

Great Leaders don’t tell you what to do…They show you how it is done!!

On April 15, 2024 the students of Class X-A presented a Leadership Assembly.

The assembly began by invoking the blessings of the Almighty with a Prayer Song, Prayer, and recitation of the Holy Quran.

This was followed by a meaningful skit highlighting the qualities essential for a leader. It imparted the idea that a good leader is someone who leads people to success by guiding them along every turn in its path.

The Principal of Carmel School, Sr. Christy Maria, addressed the students. Her words of wisdom, inspired all.

In keeping with the democratic traditions of Carmel School, the campaign for electing the school cabinet kickstarted with the candidates for the post of Head Boy and Head Girl, speaking about the reasons why they were worthy of the posts they were seeking.

Sunday 21st April, 2024 witnessed yet another school election when the Management, staff and students of the High School of Carmel School Kuwait, voted to elect their new Head Boy & Head Girl.

The proceedings began with the candidates, who, in the presence of the Principal & Vice Principal, were instructed on the procedure to be followed.

Principal Sr. Christy Maria, cast the first vote followed by Vice Principal Sr. Saritha, the candidates themselves and then by the staff & High School students.

Counting of votes took place in the presence of the Principal, Vice Principal, candidates and the Election Committee.

The election was conducted in a fair and transparent manner. The prestigious Investiture Ceremony, was held on 27th April, 2024 to officially induct the members of the newly elected student council and also to acknowledge and appreciate the services of the outgoing cabinet.

As with every other occasion, the National Anthems were followed by invocation of divine intercession with a Prayer, the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and a soulful rendition of a song of worship.

Mrs. Mona Nair & Mr. Vrajesh VR, Dr. Veena George & Dr. Roby George, parents of the newly elected Head boy & Head girl, were the Chief Guests. Also gracing the function with their presence were the parents of the newly elected cabinet ministers.

Dance is silent poetry. It is the expression of every emotion – earthly and spiritual. We had the graceful dancers of grade 11 who enthralled all with their moves.

The Investiture began with a crisp ceremonial march past by the student council. The outgoing Head boy & Head girl expressed sentiments of gratitude and extended their felicitation to the newly elected council. Exchange of sashes and pinning of badges by the Principal Sr. Christy Maria & Vice Principal Sr. Sarita, followed. The Principal, administered the Oath to the newly vested Cabinet and addressed the gathering with valuable advice to the new Council & endearing words of appreciation to the outgoing cabinet.

Chief Guests, Mrs. Mona Nair & Dr. Veena George also addressed the gathering and felicitated the new cabinet.

The newly appointed Head Boy Pranav Vrajesh and Head Girl Rachana Roby delivered their maiden speeches.

The outgoing school cabinet felicitated the incoming one with an audio-visual treat which was truly an incredible climax of an era of remarkable leadership.

The programme culminated with the proposing of a vote of thanks followed by the School Anthem.

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