Breeding pets a rising cause of divorce amongst Kuwaiti couples

Despite the fact that raising pets alludes to compassion and empathy for living beings, ironically raising cats and dogs in Kuwaiti homes has caused marital problems and is a cause of conflict between some life partners.
An informed source revealed at least 40 divorce cases between Kuwaitis during 2023 were attributed to raising house pets. It was evident from courtroom details that “the attachment and obsession of one of the life partners to pets causes a conflict in the marriage as the other partner demands a right to care and attention.”
According to the source, one of the cases filed by a husband confirmed that his wife takes excessive care of the dog and it occupies most of her time. She provides him with four meals, cleans and treats him, in addition to taking care she also entertains him by taking him to the beach and to parks to take care of its mental well being.
As per the case papers, the husband said before the court: “She was supposed to take care of me but more than me the dog was getting her attention.”
The source pointed out that some disputes and issues reached a dead end even due to excessive interest in cats, causing separation in some cases.
The source pointed out that some husbands and wives refuse to give up raising pets, asserting that this hobby brings psychological comfort and inner peace, as a result all attempts at reconciliation between the two warring parties have to be abandoned.