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1,951,000 driving licenses and 2.5 million computer-registered vehicles

Thursday morning, the activities of the 37th Unified Gulf Traffic Week were launched under the slogan ‘Driving Without a Phone’ with a press conference for the General Traffic Department at the building in South Sabahiya, in the presence of the Acting Undersecretary of the Traffic and Operations Sector, Major General Yousef Al Khadda, and the Assistant Director of the General Traffic Department for Affairs.

Technical, Brigadier General Muhammad Al-Adwani, Assistant Director of the General Traffic Department for Planning and Research Affairs at the Agency, Brigadier Saeed Al-Amiri, Assistant Director of the General Department of Public Relations and Traffic Awareness, Brigadier Abdul-Ilah Al-Abdul Salam, and a number of traffic sector leaders.

The Director of the Traffic Awareness Department and Chairman of the Traffic Week Activities Committee, Brigadier General Nawaf Al-Hayyan, announced that the Gulf traffic connection regarding traffic violations began with the Emirates and Qatar as a first step, indicating that there is cooperation with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman during the coming period, to form a traffic system in collecting violations between GCC countries, pointing out that the majority of traffic transactions are currently conducted electronically, as part of the Ministry of Interior’s plan to facilitate procedures for completing transactions for citizens and residents.

During the conference, Al-Hayyan reviewed the traffic statistics for the year 2023, which showed that the number of registered violations reached 9 million 120 thousand and 6 violations, while the number of direct violations reached 3 million 142 thousand and 923 violations, and the indirect violations reached 5 million 977 thousand and 83 violations.

Al-Hayyan added that the traffic statistics showed that the violation of speeding above the average ranked first in the number of violations recorded during the year 2023 and amounted to 4 million and 294 thousand and 446 violations, and then the violation of crossing the red light ranked second in the number of violations recorded and amounted to 853 thousand and 220 violations. Pointing out that the high number of these two violations is a dangerous indicator and causes the loss of lives and serious and material losses. The Ministry of Health’s announced that 40 percent of the death rate in Kuwait is the result of traffic accidents.

He explained that the statistics showed that the number of private driving licenses was one million and 951 thousand and 203 licenses registered in the computer, including 152 thousand and 779 general licenses, 16 thousand and 229 construction driving licenses, and 31 thousand and 284 motorcycle licenses, including 11 thousand and 992 delivery bicycle licenses, and the number of vehicles reached Two million 546 thousand and 798 vehicles, indicating that the number of citizens holding driving licenses reached 52 percent, while the number of expatriates holding driving licenses reached 45 percent.

He said that traffic statistics for the year 2023 showed that violations for not wearing a seat belt amounted to 370,120 violations, while violations for using a mobile phone amounted to 185,816 violations, and the number of violations for emitting annoying sounds from the vehicle’s exhaust reached 102,816 violations, and violations of security and durability conditions amounted to 49. One thousand and 38 violations, while violations of inattentiveness while driving amounted to 21,897 violations, reckless driving violations amounted to 8,540 violations, and violations of racing on a public road amounted to 892 violations.

He said that the General Traffic Department, coinciding with technological development and linking highways and intersections, worked to connect roads and intersections by installing 161 cameras and speed cameras, pointing out that the number of fixed cameras reached 255, while mobile speed cameras reached 18.

Al-Hayyan said that the media committee for Traffic Week was keen to select specific elements this year by holding awareness exhibitions and visits in a number of locations over the course of a week, at Al-Khiran Complex, and tomorrow morning at the “Al-Makshat” site, at the Jaber Bridge. The day after tomorrow, Sunday, the Unified Gulf Traffic Week will be opened at the Sheikh Jaber Center in the Opera House. In the evening, the committee will be present at the Al-Arabi-Kuwait match, and from next Sunday to Thursday there will be an exhibition over two periods in the Avenues Mall. The violations law is not suitable for the present.

In his response to journalists’ questions, Al-Hayyan said that the current traffic violations law is not suitable for the current stage, because it has been approved for decades. He pointed out that traffic conditions and roads have changed and the number of vehicles is constantly increasing, and the traffic law that was discussed in the corridors of the National Assembly must be approved.

In order to reduce accidents and deaths, he pointed out that all Gulf countries have increased penalties and traffic violations, and the result has been a decrease in the rate of deaths and traffic accidents. 650 thousand violations through “Rased” Al-Hayyan explained that the “Rased” application, since its adoption on September 1 of last year, has led to the issuance of about 650,000 traffic violations, in addition to making it easier for the violator to quickly receive the violation and its full details.

Brigadier General Al Hayyan reviewed traffic statistics for the year 2023 and explained that the population of Kuwait reached 4 million 824 thousand, while the number of driving licenses issued by the General Traffic Department reached 1 million 951 and 495 licenses, and the number of vehicles reached 2 million 546 thousand and 798 vehicles, which means that there is a car for every car for only two people.

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