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Store closed, 23 violations issued in Hawalli, Salmiya regions

Violations ranged from lacking an advertising license and opening without one, to misusing unlicensed space and displaying goods outside.

The Kuwait Municipality’s Public Relations Department announced that the Emergency and Rapid Intervention Team in Hawalli conducted a field inspection to ensure that stores and markets comply with the municipality’s requirements and regulations.

The head of the emergency and rapid intervention team in the governorate, Ibrahim Al-Sabaan, explained that tours in the Hawalli and Salmiya regions resulted in the closure of a store and the issuance of 23 violations.

These violations varied from not having an advertising license, opening a store before obtaining a license, and exploiting space not mentioned in the license, to displaying goods outside the store.

Al-Sabaan called on shop owners to adhere to the laws and regulations enforced by the municipality to avoid violations and fines that could lead to administrative closure.

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