Every cell in your body is made of protein, a major part of the skin, muscles, organs, and glands. You actually need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy.

I personally do not eat red meat, which is a high quality protein source. I do, however, eat chicken and fish, but I try as much as I can to compensate for the loss of the high quality proteins by eating other protein sources. Everyone needs proteins in their daily diet plan, specifically vegetarian people, or people with high blood cholesterol levels. You may be confused about what to eat, especially when your goal is to build muscles. So here is a list of the most common and healthy protein sources, which are also cheap, everyone can have it.

Peanut Butter: The peanut contains a healthy amount of plant protein, higher than any other legume or nut. You can surely guarantee enough protein intake to make your muscles grow faster. A daily tablespoon intake is recommended.

Greek Yogurt: Plain Greek Yogurt contains twice as much protein than regular yogurt. A cup of Greek Yogurt contains 20g of protein while a regular yogurt cup contains around 11 grams. It is more nutritious and tasty, plus it is lower in sugar and higher in healthy fat that aids in healthy muscle growth.

Beans: Beans are extremely nutritious and loaded with protein. The protein amount in beans may range from 15 to 25 grams per cup and can therefore be high in iron, great for anemic people. It is an excellent post-workout option.

Whey: Whey protein is the most popular source of quality protein among many athletes and bodybuilders. The effective amino acid contents allow for a proper muscle recovery and growth while you can still lose body fat.  Because of its popularity, there are many brands in the market making it available at cheap prices.

Canned tuna:  Tuna is a great source of protein specifically for muscle builders. A small can of tuna contains 30 grams of protein. It is a lean protein source that can make your body more toned and athletic. One of my favorite dinner options.

Eggs: You can benefit from an intake of 6 grams of protein by just eating one egg. Eggs are very good for the heart, high in choline which is important for pregnant women and help your muscle recovery after a good workout. For a rich nutritious breakfast, mix two white eggs with one egg yolk.

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