Embassy of Guyana in partnership with Beatouna Recycling Company recently launched a recycling initiative to encourage the recycling of paper, plastic, glass and metal among the Kuwaiti community. The Times Kuwait recently spoke with the Ambassador of Guyana H.E. Dr. Shamir Ally, and his wife Dr. Maryann Ally, to learn more about the initiative, which has been gaining wide acceptance among citizens and residents in Kuwait.

“Global warming is a real issue and the effects can be seen in many countries, including even in the Antarctic where conditions are worsening by the year on account of how people treat the environment. My wife and I decided to take up this recycling initiative to encourage people to recycle,” said the ambassador.

He disclosed how he and his wife initiated the campaign by first starting with the embassy. “We noticed that at our embassy, staff were just throwing out their trash without thinking. So we held a respectful and informative session to educate and encourage them to recycle the trash. We instructed them that actions reflected on the person and that they should take the extra effort to recycle.”

“Once we succeeded in implementing the campaign at the embassy, we decided to branch out to the wider local community. We were contacted by a recycling company that offered to take our trash for free,” added Dr. Maryann.

Elaborating on the initiative, Ambassador Dr. Ally said, “We restructred the guard houses outside the embassy and printed out signs designating this place as a drop-off point for paper, plastics, and cardboard. We then collect the trash in biodegradable bags and leave it out. When we have a sizable amount, we call our partners, the Beatouna Recycling Company, and they pick up the trash for free. They have a recycling plan and are well-equipped to recycle trash properly.

“Once we got the process started, we started talking about our ‘Keep Kuwait’s Sand and Gulf Beautiful!’ campaign to others, and people saw what we were doing and were impressed. Soon, people in the community were getting in touch with us to add their recyclable plastics and cardboards to our trash. I talk to a lot of people and, whenever possible, I encourage them to recycle because we set up such an easy process and it is done completely free of charge.”

Elucidating on the purpose of the project, the ambassador said, “Working together, we can all help to keep Kuwait clean while also protecting the environment and safeguarding animal life in the country. I consider Kuwait my home, and I would love to keep the country clean and pristine. Animals are especially at risk from our littering, as discarded plastics often end up in their stomachs.”

Ambassador Ally remains optimistic about the potential and reach of the ‘Keep Kuwait’s Sand and Gulf Beautiful!’ campaign. “We have received plenty of volunteers and active participation from the community. The people see what we are doing and want to contribute and be a part of our initiative. Many people now come by to drop their trash, including citizens, residents and even printing companies. Larger companies with huge amount of trash can call the Beatouna Recycling Company directly.”

The ambassador added that there has been a remarkable interest in the recycling campaign, “Many diplomats have also voiced their support in our training program and are cooperating with us in our campaign to recycle.”

He is confident that there will be further cooperation from the community as the campaign gains traction. “With this initiative we hope to inform the public that the Guyanese embassy is doing its part for the environment, and that anyone can join in. Just drop off the trash outside the embassy and just like that… you will make a difference.”

Ambassador Ally stressed that it was his love for the environment that compelled him to seek change. “Anyone can make difference… you just need to take the first step and start getting involved, he said. The ambassador also disclosed that there will be beach cleanup drives organized in November that he hopes will do a world of good in helping make our beaches cleaner.

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