With the hike in prices, the global warnings and the financial crises, shoppers are looking for ways to save money on food without sacrificing nutrition.
Not every expensive food product means it is healthy and provides our body with all the essential nutrients. Sometimes when saying this food is expensive, it means it is rich in fat, and nitrates that cause cancer. So people tend to spend a lot on those food items that seem to have ‘extras’ that add calories but little nutritional value, like sodas, bakery items, and chips.
This article will help you save money while getting the best and nutritious food.
First, when going to any co-op or supermarket, plan ahead what you want to buy. Do not ever go when you are hungry.
Have a light snack before you go shopping, and stick to your grocery list to help avoid useless purchases or costly mistakes when craving for food.
In a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, the researchers found that when families went on weight loss diets, they not only lost weight but reduced their food budgets.
They found out that the savings came from reducing portion sizes and from buying fewer of the high-calorie foods that tend to increase the amount spent at the grocery store.
Usually Healthy and natural foods are cheaper than junk food. The ideal food is nutrient-dense, not calorie-dense.
Here are some ideas for healthy eating.
Grains like lentils, beans and peas: These are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available. Legumes are typically low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium. They also contain soluble and insoluble fiber because they are a great source of protein, legumes can be a healthy substitute for meat, which has more fat and cholesterol, and surely more expensive.
Fresh seasonal fruits: Save money by passing on calorie-dense cakes and cookies. Opt for seasonal fruit instead as they are rich in fiber, high in nutrients, sodium-free and fat-free.
Tuna: Tuna is safe, low in mercury and super cheap. There are no excuses not to have it when it is always available. Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which decrease trigycerides levels. Canned tuna is a great addition to the diet for good proteins and fats without a lot of calories. Note that tuna in water is richer in omega-3 than the one in oil.
Brown rice and multi-cereal bread: Comparing to the other food, brown rice and multi-cereal bread are a smart and cheap food options to choose. They are rich in fiber, can be taken by diabetic people, as they are slowly absorbed in the bloodstream, and we all know how important fiber is for digestive health, as well as maintaining a healthy weight.
Studies show that six servings of whole grains weekly can lower the creation of arterial plaque build-up and reduce chances of developing heart disease and high cholesterol levels!
Frozen food: They may be less expensive than fresh, yet are equally nutritious. Fish and poultry are often frozen to minimize freezer damage and retain freshness. With frozen foods, you can use only the amount you need and return the rest to the freezer. If it is properly stored, there is no waste.
The good news is that cheap food isn’t necessarily unhealthy food, so now, you can cut food costs by choosing the healthiest food products from your supermarket.
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