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On 9th November Azerbaijan marks the National Flag Day

National Flag Day is a national holiday celebrated in Azerbaijan every year on November 9. It was established in 2009 by the order of...

Karabakh and East Zangazur economic regions will make Azerbaijan stronger

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 7 July, 2021 on “the new division of economic regions of the...

November 9 – National Flag Day in Azerbaijan | Message from the Ambassador

The purpose of this special publication is to acquaint Kuwaiti government agencies, public figures, as well as diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in...

Philosophical visions, the themes of ‘religion’ and ‘prophet’ in the poems of the great...

The love is the altar of the high heavens Without love, O world, what is your sense? If there was no love in the soul of...

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