Tarek Kabbani: The love for music and a passion for life

  A humble yet fantastic music sensation is in Kuwait. You can see him at almost every stage and gig, playing the part of a...

Building bricks: an interview with architect Rajpal Tyagi

  For over four decades Rajpal Tyagi has witnessed the remarkable architectural transformation of Kuwait, from a compact sparsely populated city of narrow winding roads...

D. V. Malhotra – Persistence and uncompromising integrity

When conviction meets steely resolve, success follows. D.V. Malhotra’s uncompromising integrity and unwavering stance has held him in good stead over the years and...

Dhiraj Oberoi – An Epitome of Success

Teamwork makes the dream work While passion, as a word and a virtue, has somewhat dulled in impact due to overuse, it continues to remain...

Kuldeep Singh Lamba – Humility and Hard Work are keys to success

If the mark of a great man is humility, then Kuldeep Singh Lamba possesses a greatness few of his peers can hope to rival....

Kailash Satyarthi – Nobel Peace Laureate

Igniting change for children in the world Indian Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi is an inspiration to billions of Indians and people worldwide for his...

Kuwait – Let’s Choose To Be Active

In a recent survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the active lifestyle of people around the world, Kuwait came in last, with...

Nikita Lewis – Walking the Talk

Nikita Lewis does what she believes in and is one of the few who decided to follow that path in the journey of her...

Ethiopian Airlines – The New Spirit of Africa

As part of our special supplement on summer travel, The Times Kuwait had the opportunity to sit down with Samson Arega, Area Manager-Kuwait, for...

Bringing cheer through dance

By Meryl M. Exclusive to the Times Kuwait Morning people are generally the most cheerful and pleasant faces you come across, but meeting someone who remains...

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