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WHO approves new vaccine to fight malaria

No, the catchy title for this article does not seek to elucidate the people or entities responsible for approving vaccines, it refers to the...

French-Canadian Company begins clinical trials for allergy vaccine for Cat Dander

French-Canadian pharmaceutical company, Angani, announced on Monday that it has started clinical trials on humans for a revolutionary vaccine aimed at treating allergies to...

Does Chat GPT treat mental illnesses?

A recent study delved into the phenomenon surrounding the placebo effect in relation to the "Chat GPT ." An official from the American artificial...

Excessive consumption of almonds causes constipation and weight gain

Almonds are a food choice for their health benefits, but eating them in excess leads to adverse results, including digestive system problems and weight...

Menopause symptoms: How to prepare for effects on your brain

 Menopause, which marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life, is something roughly half of the world’s population will go through if they live...

Climate change found to affect sleep quality

Climate change has been shown to have a direct and indirect impact on many aspects of our life and our livelihood. Now a new...

Innovative approach to treat type 1 diabetes

Diabetes is one of the largest global public health concerns, imposing a heavy global burden on public health as well as socio-economic development, and...

Feeling lonely may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease

Loneliness can make many people feel isolated, but a new study suggests it may make individuals more vulnerable to developing Parkinson's disease. Among more than...

Having multiple children protects women from dementia: study

Women who have given birth to multiple children could actually be less likely to develop dementia, a new study suggests. This discovery came after experts...

New evidence reveals brain path behind concentration

Researchers from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have uncovered new evidence on how chemicals released by cells in the brain regulate our focus and...

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