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Excessive prescription drug usage a health concern

A new study on prescription drug usage in the United States by researchers at Penn State University in the US, reveals that an American...

Global stroke deaths expected to soar

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO), reveals that nearly 15 million people worldwide are affected by stroke each year. Of those, around 5...

Study identifies the root cause of obesity

A new study has found that fructose may be the malignant element that drives the human metabolism towards obesity. Although it is not the...

Writing improves human health, reduces the harmful hormone cortisol

Scientists and researchers have concluded that writing can improve a person's health and be beneficial to his general life, especially writing poetry, poems, and...

An amazing scientific discovery to improve children’s brain flexibility

A recent study showed that teaching creative literary techniques to primary school students increases their resilience in the face of real-life problems and difficulties. A...

Sitting on the floor causes knee stiffness: Dr Rushdi

Dr. Tariq Rushdi, consultant orthopedic and artificial joint surgeon at Al-Razi Hospital, confirmed that knee and hip joint replacement operations are among the most...

Psychological and social symptoms result of interaction between technology and human behavior: Al-Kandari

While technology is widely wrapped around the neck of the Gulf and Arab family today, causing an increase in rates of family instability, with...

Genetic modification enables chickens to resist bird flu

A new study led by scientists at the University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London and the Pirbright Institute in Surrey shows that gene editing...

People with Alzheimer’s disease have difficulty turning when walking

A scientific study revealed that people with Alzheimer's disease have difficulty turning when walking, and that this symptom may help diagnose the disease early. Experts...

Gut microbiome impacts bone health

The human microbiome comprises trillions of bacteria, viruses and other microbes that live in and on our bodies. Over the past many years, studies...

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