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Quality of relaxation affects mood

Relaxing, especially after a strenuous day at work, helps our mind and body repair, recharge and recover. A new study by researchers at the...

Running rejuvenates brain cells, prevents memory loss

A recent study showed that regular aerobic exercise can protect against memory loss and cognitive decline, pointing out that running, in particular, has a...

Woman suffers from ‘rare’ headache after hot water shower

There are many causes and types of headaches, but a medical journal recently revealed a “rare” case that had not been recorded since 2017. The...

Depression increases risk of multiple health conditions

A coordinated study by researchers at several universities in the United Kingdom and Finland reveals that having depression can take a health toll on...

Sugar substitutes no alternative to reducing sugar intake

Sugar substitutes, whether natural or artificial, are no alternative to reducing sugar intake in order to reduce weight or the risk of diet-related diseases,...

Drug halves the risk of dying from a type of lung cancer

It was found that a pill reduced the risk of dying from a type of lung cancer by half when the patient took it...

Distance between private pharmacies should not be less than 200 meters

Minister of Health, Dr Ahmed Al-Awadi, has issued a ministerial decision in addition to Ministerial Resolution No. 395 of 1997 on the executive regulations...

Experimental oral drug shows promising results in delaying growth of Malignant Brain Tumors

A groundbreaking study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has revealed significant progress in the treatment of malignant brain tumors that have...

Study finds daily multivitamin intake slows memory decline in adults over 60

In a recent study conducted by researchers from Columbia University and Brigham Hospital, the positive impact of taking one daily capsule of vitamins on...

Gut microbiota and human microbiome

Research studies have estimated that the number of microbial cells in the body outnumber our own cells by 10:1; while others put this at...

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