I love artichokes.  I usually enjoy eating one plainly, or with a simple dipping sauce of olive oil, garlic and lemon sauce. Meanwhile, I keep the heart, which is tasty as well, for soups or salads.

Artichokes like many other vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which prevent cancer diseases in general, but leukemia and breast cancer specifically.

They are also known to raise good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL). But besides being rich in antioxidants, artichokes offer three unique benefits which I would like to focus on.

Treatment for liver diseases: Dueto cynarin (antioxidant in the pulp of artichoke) and another antioxidant, silymarin, have always been used as a treatment for liver diseases. Studies have also found they may even regenerate liver tissue.

Full of nutrients: They are rich in important nutrients, like vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron, as well as potassium and antioxidants.

Heavy in protein: Artichokes contain more protein than many other vegetables at 3.5 grams per serving, which kind of helps to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease.

Get a better gut:  Artichokes are also full of inulin, a unique form of fiber which has been thought to help prevent gastrointestinal issues like constipation, help for better absorption of minerals like calcium, and strengthen your immune system. So intake of a lot of inulin works wonders to help your body maintain a healthy gut.

Improve your immune system: Artichokes are heavily regarded as one of the best immune-boosting, antioxidant-rich foods. This is mainly due to the fact that these veggies are naturally high in polyphenols, which has been found to repair damaged cells leading to a better immune function.

Treat allergies: An excellent source of folate, which is a B vitamin, Artichokes, can help to suppress inflammation, which is a cause of allergies and asthma. Folate is also especially important during pregnancy.

Lower body fat:  Maintain a healthy body fat ratio with healthy weight management, by including artichokes in your diet. An artichoke has about 25 calories, so you get the nutritional benefits with less calories.

High in Fiber: One large artichoke contains a quarter of the recommended daily intake of fiber (25 grams /day). A medium artichoke has more fiber than a cup of prunes.

1 whole cooked artichoke (medium size) has almost: 65 calories and 0.1 grams of fat.

1 cooked artichoke heart has almost:

19 calories, 0.1 grams of fat.

Artichoke is one of the healthiest foods, which is why you have to include it in your diet.

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