New deadline for ministries on government work plan

Close on the heels of the first deadline, from July 25 to August 8, given to ministries to identify government work initiatives and submit them to the committee preparing the draft government work plan, the Council of Ministers set a second deadline, from August 19 to September 19, for all ministries to identify initiatives and projects required to be included in the government work plan over the next four years.
The Minister of Finance was designated to coordinate with various ministries and their affiliated bodies for the above task. The decision stipulated that the Minister of Finance “shall provide the committee with updates, identifying the challenges and obstacles it faces, and the parties that do not cooperate,” within a month ending on September 19.
As per the Cabinet’s decision in its session on July 2, the committee preparing the draft government action plan must provide it with results of its work within 3 months, by October 2.