Nepalese Journalist Association in Kuwait visit The Times Kuwait

By Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer
Members of the Federation of Nepalese Journalist Association (FNJ) and Nirem Productions visited The Times Kuwait News Monday afternoon and met with the Executive Managing Editor Mr. Reaven D’Souza and Director of Marketing Mr .Wilson Dcunha.
Prem Kumar Prem Jimee Yakkha Chairman of Nirem Production, Raj Malla Chairman of Federation of Nepalese Journalist Association (FNJ) and Jay Narayan Tharu (Nirem Update) discussed possibility of publishing social events articles and news in Nepalese and English languages to cater to its more than 120 thousand nationals working in the country.
Mr. Malla mentioned that Nepalese community in Kuwait is among the most active communities with diverse interests in sports, cultural and social aspects, thus weekend activities are often busy and mainstream media will be of utmost importance to disseminate news to the public along with its local news on its weekly podcast and social media posts.
D’Souza mentioned that The Times has provided platforms to several news reporters and embassies to have their articles published in their own languages such as Philippines and Indonesia. “We can definitely explore all these possibilities for the Nepalese community and provide them the opportunity to provide news updates to their own nationals and other expatriates in the country”. News articles from Nepalese community will be available on-line at the Times Kuwait in coming weeks.