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Women Against Corruption: explain women roles in combating, preventing corruption

The forum (Women Against Corruption), which kicked off Sunday, in cooperation between Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority Corruption (Nazaha) and Women’s Cultural and Social Society, shed light on women’s role in combating corruption and preventing it.

The forum, hosted by the National Library of Kuwait and attended by a branch of the UN in Kuwait, several Kuwaiti public benefit associations, and teaching staff members from various educational institutions, was inaugurated by the Assistant Secretary General for the Prevention Sector at Nazaha Abrar Al-Hammad.

Al-Hammad said that this forum aims to increase awareness towards corruption issues, prevention methods, and highlighting the role of women in enhancing integrity and combating corruption, and clarifying everything that can protect them from corruption.

She stated that based on global studies, the more women are present in decision-making circles and leadership positions, the less corruption, and ethical behavior increases.

She noted that in Kuwait, women constitute 63% of the workforce in the government sector and 51% of the total workforce, meaning that focusing efforts on increasing awareness and social integrity among them will have positive effects on society.

Regarding the forum’s objectives, it aims to establish a network of women supporting anticorruption efforts, enhancing societal integrity by following international preventive measures, activating local legislation, and reviewing the main obstacles that may hinder their empowerment to play this important role in society.

On her part, the Chairperson of Womenأ’‚s Cultural and Social Society Lulwa Al-Mulla, stated that corruption has become a complex social, political, and economic phenomenon affecting all countries, undermining democratic institutions and slowing down economic development, thus contributing to government instability.

She emphasized that increasing women’s contribution to decision-making positions and providing them with necessary skills promotes integrity, leading to renaissance and progress in the country.

Al-Mulla emphasized the importance of women’s role in society in general and the importance of empowering them in various fields, especially in promoting societal integrity, combating corruption, raising awareness about its risks, and preventive measures, expressing hope that this forum and its outcomes will contribute to addressing the root causes and reaching safety.

The UN Secretary General’s Representative and the Resident Coordinator in Kuwait, Dr. Ghada Al-Taher referred to the fifth goal out of 17 within the UN Sustainable Development Plan by 2030.

The UN sustainable Development Plan calls for gender equality, explaining that this goal is integral to achieving all the goals agreed upon by all UN members in September 2015, outlining a general plan for sustainable development worldwide.

Dr. Al-Taher stated that the world moved beyond recognizing that women’s rights are human rights to realizing the active and fundamental role of women in life, adding that the world is now fully aware of the role of women in social, political, economic, and other fields.

She said that despite significant progress made in this regard, it is still far from the ideal state, citing as an example the gender pay gap in some advanced countries, where women receive 77% of what men earn for the same work or position.

On the other hand, the Acting Head of the Political Science Department at Kuwait University, Dr. Haila Al-Mukaimi, affirmed that the Kuwaiti women achievements in the field of combating corruption, need to be monitored and documented to positively reflect in all reports that highlight the role of women. Dr. Al-Mukaimi stressed the importance of holding such forums, discussion sessions, and exchanging experiences to strengthen a network of joint efforts, especially among women, to empower and enhance their capabilities.

She also referred to several important studies from the World Bank and prestigious international universities considered as scientific and academic references, which found that empowering women significantly helps in combating corruption.

She added that because women are considered a political minority, their presence anywhere or in any position requires them to prove their capabilities more, thus being more accurate and proficient in their work, which positively reflects on transparency principles and combating corruption.

Source: KUNA

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