Municipality mandates judicial police to identify themselves and their roles while at work

The Minister of State for Municipal Affairs and Minister of State for Housing Affairs, Abdul Latif Al-Mishari, issued a ministerial circular directing employees of the Kuwait Municipality who hold the capacity of judicial police to show their work identity and identify their capacity when carrying out the work assigned to them, stressing the need to take disciplinary measures against anyone who violates this circular.
Al-Mishari also directed the Director General of the Kuwait Municipality, Eng. Manal Al-Asfour, to warn and circulate to all employees to adhere to what is stated in the circular.
To ensure the integrity of the procedures taken, enhance community confidence, and enable municipal employees who hold the capacity of judicial police to control and document violations, the Minister Al-Mishari directed the Director General of the Municipality to quickly take the necessary measures to activate the use of surveillance cameras while performing their work in order to preserve their rights and the rights of others.