MoI revives issuing family, commercial, tourist visas

In line with the government’s plan to stimulate the economic, commercial, and tourism landscape in the country while taking into consideration the social aspects, the Ministry of Interior (MoI), acting under instructions of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef, has decided to issue entry visas for following purposes, in accordance with conditions and regulations.
Entry visa – Family visit: This is granted to the father, mother, wife and children of applicants, provided that the salary of the breadwinner is not less than KD400. To obtain a visit entry visa for any other relatives, the salary of the breadwinner should not be less than KD800.
Other terms and conditions that apply for a family visit visa are:
• Provide a round-trip ticket on the airlines of the national airlines (national carrier).
• A written undertaking not to demand the conversion of such visits into residency in the country.
• A pledge to abide by the duration of the visit.
• The treatment of the visitor will be in private hospitals and health centers and treatment will not be allowed in government hospitals.
• In the event that the visitor violates the period of stay prescribed for him, each of the (visitor – sponsor) will be listed by the General Directorate of Residency Affairs Investigation with the security control system, where the violator is followed up by the General Directorate of Residency Affairs Investigation and the legal procedures followed for violators of the Foreigners’ Residence Law are applied.
Entry visa – Commercial visit: This visa is iIssued at the request of a Kuwaiti company or institution and granted to persons holding university or technical qualifications aligned with the company’s activity and the nature of its work.
Entry visa – Tourism visit: For people belonging to (53) countries, visa is granted at either the port of entry directly upon arrival in the country, or through the electronic visa, which is available via ministry of interior website:
Other tourism visitors allowed entry to Kuwait include:
• Residents of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: Tourism entry visa is issued to persons who are engaged in professions specified in Ministerial Resolution No. (2008/2030) and its amendments, and in accordance with the controls and requirements specified in the aforementioned ministerial decision.
• Tourism entry visa through hotels and companies: This is issued only through hotels and companies that have an automatic link with the General Administration of Accommodation Affairs system, and in accordance with the requirements followed for this.