Ministry of Social Affairs leads in bonus payouts for top performers
The excellent work bonus is calculated based on job grade and title, with a maximum of KD 2,000 for assistant undersecretaries, KD 1,500 for department managers, KD 1,250 for supervisors, and KD 1,000 for section heads.

• Employees in job grades from fourth to first receive KD 800, those in grades sixth to fifth receive KD 600, while those in seventh and eighth grades receive KD 400. Assistant grades are allocated KD 300.
The Ministry of Social Affairs has begun disbursing excellent work bonuses for the past fiscal year to eligible employees, becoming the first government agency to do so, Al Jarida newspaper reported.
Sources indicated that the ministry, represented by the Financial and Administrative Affairs Sector, has adopted a new disbursement system for the current year. Under this system, bonus amounts are deposited directly into the bank accounts of eligible employees immediately after their annual evaluations are approved by the Civil Service Bureau, provided they receive an “excellent” rating.
The sources added, “The excellent work bonus is calculated based on job grade and title, with a maximum of KD 2,000 for assistant undersecretaries, KD 1,500 for department managers, KD 1,250 for supervisors, and KD 1,000 for section heads.
Employees in job grades from fourth to first receive KD 800, those in grades sixth to fifth receive KD 600, while those in seventh and eighth grades receive KD 400. Assistant grades are allocated KD 300.
For employees working under the ‘use of services’ category, the Civil Service Bureau must be consulted for approval before disbursement.”