Masterclass Lifestyles Workshops hold 12th baking scholarship for domestic workers

By Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer
Masterclass Lifestyles Workshops held its 12thbatch of free baking lessons to Filipino domestic workers in Kuwait Friday morning. The program which has been participated by more than four hundred domestic workers and counting were provided for with a three hours hands on training class providing information and skill development on the essentials of baking breads.
In his opening remarks, Administrator of the program mentioned that the three hours session is an introduction for the attendees to lean the basic information and education on making breads popularly sold in the local bakeries. The Thee hours hands on session provide the participants with information on ingredients and their roles, different and varied types, allowing them to create their own versions of breads using a single type of dough that can make 40 popular types of bread. The administrator also recounted successful stories of chefs who graduated from the workshops and are now established business owners in the Philippines, commenced with small amount to launch their home based businesses.
Each class is limited to seven participants and led by Masterchefs Mariefe Torio and Ricky Laxa. Ingredients, equipment and facility are provided for during the workshop. It also includes followup information as to any questions or information required regarding baking essentials. Friendi Mobile also provide free sim cards and discount vouchers to the participants. Masterclass wishes to thank Mr. POT TV, a Filipino blogger who provide generously information to domestic workers regarding the baking program, The Times Kuwait for their media partnership and Berry Blast for the support to the school.
For more information and registration to the program, they may call: 55650296(Whatapp)