FeaturedRamadan 2024

Mahya lights decorate Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque for Ramadan

The iconic Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque in Istanbul has been decorated with Mahya lights, which are strung up between the minarets of the mosque to form illuminated words or pictures, to celebrate the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

Mahya lights are a unique part of traditional Turkish festivities. This practice dates back to the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Ahmed I (1603-1617 AD). It was first put on Sultan Ahmed Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque, in Istanbul.

The lights are often arranged to form Islamic words of devotion (La ilahe illallah – “There is no god but God”), well-wishes on the arrival of Ramadan (Hos geldin, on bir ayin Sultani – “Welcome, Sultan of Eleven Months”), or short sayings promoting charity, peace, and goodwill (infak et mutlu ol – “Give and be happy”; and Sevelim sevilelim – “Let us love, let us be loved”).

Source: KUNA

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