Kuwait Municipality reports zero instances of abstention
The total number of abstention cases during the first half of this year reached 329, representing 0.18% of the total financial transactions, according to the Financial Controllers Authority report.

The Kuwait Municipality’s record was free of any cases of abstention due to a series of measures taken by the financial and administrative sector within the municipal executive apparatus
The Kuwait Municipality achieved a notable milestone by reporting zero instances of abstention, as per the Financial Controllers Authority’s report for the initial half of the fiscal year 2023/2024.
It included the reports of the offices of financial controllers in ministries, government departments, attached bodies, and independent institutions for the first half of the fiscal year 2023/2024, based on the application of prior financial control on 67 entities subject to prior oversight, including 30 ministries and government departments, 21 attached bodies, and 16 independent institutions.
The number of financial transactions completed reached 182,256, with 10,589 notes issued, representing 5.8% of the total financial transactions.
The total number of abstention cases during the first half of this year reached 329, representing 0.18% of the total financial transactions, according to a statistical report issued by the Financial Controllers Authority.
The Kuwait Municipality’s record was free of any cases of abstention due to a series of measures taken by the financial and administrative sector within the municipal executive apparatus. These measures contributed to addressing the observations contained in the semi-annual report on the ministries, institutions, and governmental bodies related to the municipality.
The relevant sector within the municipality succeeded in implementing the recommendations of the auditors’ body related to the most prominent observations and cases of abstention recorded by the relevant departments in the executive apparatus sectors.
One of the most significant actions was implementing the decisions of the Council of Ministers in coordination with the Ministry of Finance to take necessary measures and establish appropriate mechanisms to avoid the observations outlined in the financial auditors’ reports.
Additionally, the municipality issued Administrative Circular No. 40 of 2022 dated November 1, 2022, concerning the mechanism for avoiding violations and observations mentioned in the financial auditors’’ reports.
Due to immediate measures, adherence to relevant laws and regulations, and continuous coordination between the Kuwait Municipality and its Financial Controllers’ Office, no cases of abstention were recorded against the municipality, according to the Financial Controllers Authority’s report for the first half of the fiscal year 2023/2024.