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Kuwait gazette publishes decree-into-law regarding citizenship

The official gazette (Kuwait Alyoum) published in its latest edition released on Monday the decree-into-law 116/2024, amending provisions of the Amiri Decree 15/1959 regarding the Kuwaiti citizenship.

Some excerpts stipulate that a foreigner who seeks the Kuwaiti citizenship is not eligible to file for the nationality for his wife. His minor children are considered Kuwaitis however, they are entitled to choose another nationality, such as their original one, in adulthood.

A foreign woman who marries a Kuwaiti is not eligible to acquire the nationality.

In line with a decree endorsed by the Minister of Interior, the citizenship can be rescinded from persons who had obtained it through fraud, counterfeiting or false statements. Individuals who acquired it for being relatives to him lose it in such case, as well. – In case where he (she) has been convicted for crimes of honor, trust, state security crime, cases of offending the sanctity of His Almighty, the prophets or His Highness the Amir.

  • In case he is dismissed from his job in the public sector for cases related to honesty and trust during ten years after granting him the citizenship.
  • In case authorities see an infringement on the state higher interest or external security.

Relatives will be also stripped of the nationality in such a case.

  • In case the competent authorities acquired information about subversive acts or affiliations to a foreign political entity. Relatives lose it too.
  • Upon a resolution by the Minister of Interior, the minor of a Kuwaiti mother and whose father is a prisoner, divorcee or demised, is treated as a Kuwaiti until adulthood.

Source: KUNA

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