
Kuwait expands commercial licensing sectors to 30 in 2024

The inclusion of eleven new sectors in commercial activities signifies a 58% increase, driven by local market updates and heightened citizen demand for licenses.

  • The total number of commercial licenses issued during the first four months of 2024 increased by 31.2% to 769 licenses for various types of activities.

  • General trade activities and related services lead with 339 licenses, comprising 44% of all licenses issued in early 2024.

  • The textile, clothing, leather, and related services industries ranked second on the list of highest licenses issued, with 72 licenses, accounting for 9.3% of the total licenses issued in the first four months of 2024.

The commercial licensing sectors in Kuwait are experiencing significant expansion, indicating a positive momentum in economic activity, according to official data reported by Al-Anbaa newspaper.

Demand for licensing activities across various sectors has surged by approximately 58%, highlighting Kuwait’s keen interest in sedentary activities.

A recent statistic issued by the Commercial Licensing Department at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry shows that the number of commercial licensing sectors increased from 19 sectors in 2023 to 30 sectors in 2024, marking an addition of eleven new sectors to the list of commercial activities. This represents a 58% increase, reflecting updates and developments in the local market due to high demand for these licenses from citizens.

The list of commercial sectors and activities recently added to citizens’ work includes maintenance and repair services (simple crafts), as well as accommodation and food services and related activities, contracting and related services, professional, scientific, technical, and consulting activities and related services, printing and related services, transportation and storage activities and related services, information and communications activities and related services, food industry activities and related services, service provision for buildings and related activities, repair, maintenance, and installation of machinery and equipment and related services, rental activities, and use activities and related services.

Commercial licenses surge 31.2% to 769 in first four months of 2024

The statistics showed that the total number of commercial licenses issued during the first four months of this year increased by 31.2% to 769 licenses for various types of activities, compared to 586 licenses issued during the same period in 2023, representing an increase of 183 licenses.

General trade sector dominates with 339 licenses issued in early 2024.

According to statistics, demand was concentrated in two main sectors, which accounted for 53.44% of the total number of commercial licenses issued during the first four months of 2024, totaling 411 licenses.

The sector of general trade activities and related services continued to lead the list of economic activities required, with a total of 339 licenses issued, accounting for 44% of the total licenses issued during the first four months of 2024, compared to 345 licenses issued during the same period in 2023.

The textile, clothing, leather, and related services industries ranked second on the list of highest licenses issued, with 72 licenses, accounting for 9.3% of the total licenses issued in the first four months of 2024, representing an increase from 64 licenses issued during the same period in 2023.

New and innovative activities

Regarding the new and innovative activities added to the list of commercial activities this year, several of these activities experienced significant demand during the first four months.

Since their launch from January to April 2024, the most prominent were maintenance and repair services (simple crafts), with 112 licenses issued, accounting for 14.5% of the total licenses. This was followed by accommodation, food, and related services activities, with 83 licenses (10.79% of the total), and contracting activities and related services, with 21 licenses.

Professional, scientific, technical, and consulting activities and related services accounted for 18 licenses, while rental and employment activities and related services each reached 12 licenses, and printing activities and related services saw eight licenses issued.

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