Kuwait Amir departs Kuwait to Saudi Arabia to partake in the World Economic Forum

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, along with an accompanying official delegation, departed Kuwait on Sunday heading toward Saudi Arabia to partake in the World Economic Forum hosted by Riyadh.
His Highness the Amir was seen off at the airport by Deputy Amir and the designated Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, His Highness Sheikh Nasser AlMohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, His Highness Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, His Highness the caretaker Prime Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, Deputy Chief of the National Guards Sheikh Faisal Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Saud AlSabah, Minister of the Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheridah Al-Moesherji, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil Dr. Imad Al-Atiqi and senior state officials. His Highness the Amir is accompanied by a delegation of officials including Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investments Anwar Ali Al-Mudhaf, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Al-Yahya and ranking officials at the Amiri Diwan.(KUNA)