
IWG enjoys tour of Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Center

A group of Members from the International Women’s Group (IWG), headed by Mrs. Polina Dalmini, president of IWG and wife of the ambassador of the Kingdom of Eswatini visited the Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Center.

The comprehensive tour, conducted in both Arabic and English, included visits to the Ecosystems Museum, Our Planet Earth Museum, the Transport and Robotics Museum, the Human Body Museum, the Museum of Islamic and Arabic Science, and the Space Museum.

The delegation was given the opportunity to explore the main activities organized by the center and received an explanation of all the facilities and sections of the museum, as well as the unique exhibits it houses.

The group members expressed their admiration for this remarkable cultural landmark and praised its diversity, which caters to the varied interests and desires of its visitors.

On behalf of the IWG, Mrs. Polina Dalmini, along with members of the Executive Board, presented an honorary shield to express their gratitude for the outstanding and informative visit.

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