International Organization for Migration (IOM) Director General Amy Pope underscored at the 4th Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum (RIHF) the need for strengthening partnerships and collaboration as key to delivering solutions to the world’s deteriorating displacement crises.
“With record numbers of people displaced around the world – and many millions more at risk of becoming so – the international community must develop comprehensive and sustainable approaches, bringing together our efforts across humanitarian response, development initiatives and peacebuilding,” DG Pope said. “This forum is an important and timely opportunity for us to work together towards this goal, keeping the needs of displaced people at the center of our response.”
The numbers of people already internally displaced globally have reached a record level of about 76 million. Displacement crises have become more protracted, lasting between 10 years to 26 years on average.
DG Pope emphasized the need for replacing short-term funding with long-term financing for government-led, development-oriented solutions to displacement in close collaboration with multilateral development banks.
During the event, DG Pope is participating in two key panels, and she will be meeting with senior Saudi government officials on the sidelines, including with His Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Minister of Interior and Dr Abdullah Al Rabeeah, Supervisor General King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre.
DG Pope will also meet with Dr. Muhammed Sueliman Al Jazeer, Chairperson of Islamic Development Bank, Ambassador Tariq Ali Bakheet, Assistant Secretary General of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and senior officials from the UN and philanthropy organisations.
“The Riyadh forum is a testament to Saudi Arabia’s leading humanitarian role and is an important platform to address the challenging humanitarian situation globally at this moment,” said IOM’s Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Othman Belbeisi. “IOM will continue to strengthen its collaboration with the kingdom and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre to drive solutions to displacement crises.”
Discussion at RIHF, whose theme this year is “Navigating the Future of Humanitarian Response”, will focus on exploring innovative approaches to humanitarian aid, the role of technology in crisis response, and the challenges posed by climate change, conflict, and displacement.
The forum, which takes place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 24-25 February, is organized by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) and attended by humanitarian leaders, donors, practitioners, researchers, and others.