
Instagram users can now comment publicly on stories

The new feature, by the photo and video sharing social networking service, allows individuals to control the posting of comments through an option that can be disabled.

Instagrams new comments feature allows public interaction on stories but limits commenting to mutual followers.

The new feature by the Instagram makes comments visible only to users who follow the story creator.


Instagram has introduced a new feature enabling users to view comments directly on their stories, rather than receiving them as private messages. This update aims to boost interaction and improve the user experience, according to Al Rai newspaper.

The new feature, which makes comments visible only to users who follow the story creator, allows individuals to control the posting of comments through an option that can be disabled.

Instagram stated that this tool aims to enhance user engagement by fostering more interactive community experiences.

Previously, responses to stories were sent via private messages directly to the person who published the content.

The addition of the comments feature now offers a more public way to interact with stories. However, commenting is limited; only people who follow the publisher and who are also followed by the publisher can leave a comment.

As with stories, comments are temporary and will last up to 24 hours.

Instagram spokeswoman Emily Norfolk stated that users will have the option to enable or disable comments on any story they share.

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