FeaturedKuwait News

Government capital spending stands 40% of allocated money

During the first nine months of the fiscal 2023-2024, the government has managed its capital expenditures prudently, with spending not exceeding 40% of the allocated budget.

Official data released by the Ministry of Finance indicates that out of the 1.8 billion dinars designated for capital projects in the general budget, approximately 715 million dinars have been utilized, reports Al-Qabas daily.

The bulk of government expenditures, however, have been directed towards current spending, encompassing salaries, subsidies, and other operational costs. Over the same nine-month period, around 16.4 billion dinars were disbursed out of the total allocation of 24.4 billion dinars for current expenditures, representing a utilization rate of 60%.

Furthermore, expenditures on workers’ compensation during this period amounted to approximately 6.1 billion dinars out of the allocated 9.8 billion dinars, with a spending rate of 62.9%.

In other legislative matters, the decree governing the 2024 National Assembly elections, published in the Official Gazette, outlines stringent penalties for electoral misconduct. Individuals found guilty of publicly deceiving voters through any form of media or publication could face imprisonment for up to five years and fines ranging from two thousand to five thousand dinars.

Similarly, clandestine attempts to influence voters through letters, phone calls, or intermediaries by offering bribes or inducements are punishable by law. Such acts could compel voters to vote in a particular manner or abstain from voting, with penalties stipulated in the decree.

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