
Global surface temperature may reach 1.5 degrees Celsius within 7 years: study

A study published, Tuesday, stated that it is “inevitable” for the temperature of the Earth’s surface to exceed “on a steady basis over several years” the threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to what it was before the industrial revolution, indicating that the probability of this happening in just seven years is as high as 1.5 degrees Celsius, 50%.

The study, prepared by scientists from the “Global Carbon Project” and presented to those gathered at the United Nations climate conference “COP28” in Dubai, called on the international community to take action to confront this dangerous situation, reports Al-Rai daily.

The study expected that carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the use of coal, gas and oil for heating, lighting and transportation will increase worldwide, and that these emissions will reach a new record in 2023.

British climate scientist Pierre Friedlingstein, who supervised the study in which 150 researchers from all over the world participated, said: Around the world, “Leaders meeting at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) must agree on rapid reductions in fossil fuel emissions even in order to maintain the 2 degrees Celsius target.”

He added, “Measures aimed at reducing carbon emissions from fossil fuels are still very slow, and the time remaining between now and reaching the threshold of an additional 1.5 degrees Celsius is shrinking at the fastest speed, and we must act now.”

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