
GCC countries attracted 68 million tourists in 2023

The Data from the Statistical Center for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf revealed that the number of international tourists visiting GCC countries, reached 68.1 million by the end of 2023, marking a 42.8% increase compared to 2019.

The “Travel and Tourism in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries” bulletin revealed that the GCC countries achieved 52.9% of the first strategic objective of the Joint Tourism Strategy 2023-2030, which aims to gradually increase the number of incoming tourists to 128.7 million.

Importantly, by the end of 2023, total international tourism revenues in the GCC countries rose by 28.2% compared to 2019, reaching $110.4 billion. This achievement accounts for 58.7% of the second strategic goal of the Joint Tourism Strategy, which aims to gradually increase international tourist spending to $188 billion.

Moreover, the data from the Gulf Statistical Center shows that intra-GCC tourism accounted for 26.9% of total international tourists, marking a 44.2% growth compared to 2019.

Interestingly, by the end of 2023, the total number of workers in the tourism sector across GCC countries reached approximately 1.5 million. Women represented 12.4% of the workforce, reflecting ongoing efforts to empower women in this vital sector.

Source: Al Qabas

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