
Excessive use of screens has negative effects that cannot be underestimated

A new study revealed that cell phone use is not considered harmful to teenagers, and can be beneficial at the level of mental health, if teenagers use it under certain conditions, as published in NYPost, contrary to what was confirmed by many previous studies that had warned parents against children using cell phones.

The new study showed that teenagers who used a cell phone within an hour or two were less likely to suffer from depression, suicidal thoughts, sleep disorders, stress, and alcohol addiction, compared to other teenagers.

On the other hand, it appeared that those who spent more than 4 hours using a cell phone suffered from higher rates of psychological disorders and addiction, at a rate of up to 22 percent, compared to other teenagers who used it at lower rates.

The study found that using a cell phone for less than two hours was beneficial for mental health compared to what happened if it was not used at all.

It has been shown, in previous studies, that excessive use of screens had a negative impact on the health condition and mental health of people, but the new study shows that limited use of screens is considered beneficial for teenagers, as long as it is two hours or less, to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. However, after this period is exceeded, the result is the opposite and has negative effects on mental health.

The study found that teens who used a cell phone for two hours or less were 30 percent less likely to experience stress, 27 percent less likely to suffer from sleep disorders, 38 percent less likely to experience depression, and 43 percent less likely to experience suicidal thoughts. And 47 percent less likely to become addicted.

Researchers stress that excessive use of screens has major negative effects that cannot be underestimated. When used between 4 and 6 hours a day, teenagers were more likely to suffer from mental health problems, stress, obesity, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

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