Establishment of ‘Fire Engineering Technology Department’ at College of Technological Studies

Today, Monday, the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) approved the establishment of a ‘Fire Engineering Technology Department’ at the College of Technological Studies. This new department will offer both Bachelor’s and Diploma programs.
This decision was made during the 156th meeting of the Board of Directors of PAAET for the academic year 2024-25. The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Nader Al-Jalal, and was attended by the Director General of the Authority, Dr. Hassan Al-Fajjam, along with other members of the Board.
In a press statement following the meeting, Dr. Al-Fajjam, confirmed that the Authority’s Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Fire Engineering Technology Department at the College of Technological Studies, will offer both Bachelor’s and Diploma programs, developed in cooperation with the General Fire Force, which played a crucial role in supporting and ensuring the success of this initiative.
Dr. Al-Fajjam also highlighted that during the meeting, the promotion of 17 faculty members from the Authority’s colleges was approved. This includes promotions from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor for 17 faculty members, as well as 17 faculty members being promoted from Associate Professor to Professor.
Furthermore, Dr. Al-Fajjam also mentioned that the Board approved the proposal from the Training Staff Association regarding the calculation of the actual period of study for employees sent to pursue a master’s degree. This will now be considered within the employee’s actual period of service, as long as the qualification is obtained in the relevant specialization.
The Council also approved a new provision allowing staff to submit a promotion request three months before the legal period stipulated in the regulations. However, the promotion request will only be approved after the completion of the legal period as outlined in the regulations.
Al-Fajjam explained that the Board also approved an exemption for the Arabic Language and Islamic Education Departments at the College of Basic Education from the requirement to publish scientific research in foreign journals.
Source: Al Rai