Embrace eco-friendly Ramadan: Go green, stay ethical
During Ramadan, prioritize spiritual needs over physical ones, including eating. Islam advocates restraint from material possessions to support spiritual pursuits.

Ramadan presents an ideal opportunity for us to reassess our lives, reflect on the impact of our actions on the planet and on others, and implement positive changes that benefit both people and the environment. This Ramadan, why not consider adopting eco-friendly practices to ensure a more ethical month of observance?
Here are a few suggestions on living simply and ethically during this Ramadan.
Cut waste: In some countries, one-third of all food is wasted, which not only harms the environment but also contradicts Islamic teachings. To avoid food waste during Ramadan, consider planning meals, freezing excess food, and monitoring ‘use by’ dates. Leftover ingredients can be transformed into new dishes using “makeover” recipes. For instance, overripe fruit can be blended with yogurt or milk to create smoothies for suhoor, while excess vegetables can be used to make soup for iftar. Additionally, aim to reduce water consumption wherever possible.
Eat less, share more: There is an abundance of food in the world, yet some overindulge while others suffer from hunger. During Ramadan, practice moderation in your eating habits and exert greater control over your meals. This approach can assist in managing your diet effectively and reducing grocery expenses. Extend invitations to non-Muslims to join you for iftar, share food with your neighbors, and reach out to new Muslims and others who may otherwise be eating alone during Ramadan.
Reduce your carbon footprint: Reduce consumption of processed foods as they are often packaged in ways that harm the planet. Additionally, opt for walking or cycling over using the car to minimize your CO2 emissions. Not only will this choice benefit the environment, but engaging in healthy exercise will also enhance your overall well-being.
Eat less meat this Ramadan: Consuming less meat during meals will not only allow you to better appreciate its flavor and taste, but also enable you to empathize with individuals worldwide who cannot afford meat. Moreover, this practice aligns with the Islamic value of moderation.
Unplug and de-clutter: During Ramadan, prioritize your spiritual needs over physical ones, including eating. This principle extends beyond food to encompass other desires as well. Islam promotes restraint from material possessions to facilitate the pursuit of spiritual goals.
Consider unplugging from television, laptops, console games, and all gadgets during Ramadan. Reflect on curtailing materialistic impulses by limiting purchases to essential food and clothing for the month. Instead, declutter your belongings and donate excess items to charity or individuals in need.