Our body is affected a lot by what we eat, how clean the air we breathe is, and how healthy we are.
Detox or detoxification, is the removal of toxic substances from the body. In other words, it is a method of removing all environmental and dietary toxins from the body, cleansing the colon and enhancing blood circulation. As a result, you feel more fresh, more focused, and you sleep deeper.
This is a sample list of allowed foods on a detox diet.
Vegetables: All vegetables are very rich in water so they help in flushing out toxicity. Whether raw or in salads or taken as juices, vegetables are the number one detox food. More specifically, this include more: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, beetroots, onions, garlic, artichokes, beetroots, cucumbers and celery.
Fruits: Like veggies, fruits are also rich in water, so they help a lot in cleaning your body. Fresh fruits, frozen or fresh fruit juices offer the same benefits. The best fruits include: Papayas, strawberries, pineapples, kiwis and green apples.
Nuts and seeds: These are rich in omega-3 and are good sources of fiber. Of course you need to take the unsalted ones. You can eat it between your meals as snacks or toss it over your salads. Salted peanuts are not allowed though.
Olive oil and avocados: Extra virgin olive oil is the preferred oil during a detox period. Avocado is also recommended with your salads.
Beans, lentils and quinoa: These are considered plant proteins. These types of foods are natural and rich in iron. This list also includes red kidney, haricot, red lentil, green lentil and brown lentil.
Grilled fresh seafood: Eat any fresh fish, including salmon, lobster, crab, prawns, lemon sole, grilled fish and tuna.
- Herbs and spices include ginger, black pepper and fresh herbs
- Herbal and natural hot drinks such as chamomile and ginger
- Taking in at least two liters of water daily is also highly recommended.
The foods not recommended during a detox plan include:
- Red meat, chicken, turkey, and meat products such as sausages.
- Milk, cheese, eggs and cream.
- Butter, margarine and mayonnaise.
- Any food that contains wheat including bread, croissants, cereals, cakes, pies and quiche.
- Salted and non-raw nuts.
- Chocolate, candy, jam, puddings, ice-cream and custard.
- Alcohol and carbonated beverages, even the diet ones.
- Coffee and tea.
- Salt.
So a seven- day detox diet will be great to follow from time to time. It cleans your liver, your digestive system and gives you maximum energy. And, it beats bloating, headache, and cellulite, while increasing your immunity.
Live natural!
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