Capital Markets Authority prepares bold strategy to drive economic growth
The preparation of the fourth strategic plan will continue until March 2026, ensuring alignment with the authority’s aspirations and global financial market developments.

• The fourth strategic plan, spanning fiscal years 2027/2028 to 2030/2031, aims to shape the Capital Markets Authority’s future direction, enhance financial market development, and support the national economy.
The Capital Markets Authority has begun initial preparations for its fourth strategic plan, covering the fiscal years 2027/2028 to 2030/2031, aimed at shaping the authority’s future direction, boosting financial market development, and supporting the national economy, Al Qabas newspaper reported.
The authority began preparations in early January this year, with the actual work, including analyzing the current situation, scheduled to start at the beginning of the fiscal year 2025/2026. This step aims to assess challenges, explore opportunities, and define strategic priorities for the next stage.
The preparation of the plan, including the development of its executive and detailed work plans, will continue until March 2026 to ensure the work proceeds according to an integrated strategic vision that aligns with the authority’s aspirations and global financial market developments.
Efficient and effective task implementation
In this context, the authority noted that by the end of the fiscal year 2024/2025, it will have completed half of the implementation period of its current strategic plan. As of December 2024, the overall achievement rate of the strategy stood at about 55%, with tangible progress reflected in the completion of forty out of 126 sub-initiatives in the plan.
The authority confirmed that it adopted a new methodology in strategic planning during the preparation of its third strategy, aiming to improve its practices in line with the best international standards. This approach focuses on enhancing the culture of strategic planning among its staff to ensure more efficient and effective task implementation.
Development practices for local capital market
This approach reaffirms the authority’s commitment to directing its resources in a way that achieves the highest levels of efficiency, which positively impacts the supervision and regulation of financial market activities in Kuwait. This is a key factor in supporting economic development and advancing the state’s vision in the financial and economic sectors.
The authority’s third strategy saw the implementation of several development practices for the local capital market. Through its new strategic plan, the authority aims to continue this approach while aligning its priorities with state plans to ensure the ongoing development of the local market and enhance its regional and global competitiveness.
Petition to reconsider the decision of the Disciplinary Board
On Monday, the Capital Markets Authority issued Resolution No. 37 of 2025, amending the rules regarding requests to reconsider the decisions of the Disciplinary Board, as outlined in the executive regulations of Law No. 7 of 2010, which established the Capital Markets Authority and regulated securities activity, along with its amendments.
The decision includes an amendment to Article 5-18 of Chapter Five (Request for Reconsideration of Disciplinary Board Decisions) of Book Three (Law Enforcement) of the Executive Regulations of Law No. 7 of 2010, which established the Capital Markets Authority and regulates securities activity. The amendment enables anyone penalized under the law to submit a reasoned request for reconsideration to the Disciplinary Board, following payment of the prescribed fee and submission of the specified form for this purpose.
Petitions must be submitted to the Disciplinary Board within three working days from the date of notification of the decision, and the Disciplinary Board will decide on the petition within five working days from its submission. These procedures will not interrupt the legal deadlines for filing a grievance or appealing Disciplinary Board decisions.
The latest amendment also introduces an independent form for submitting grievances against Disciplinary Board decisions when specific conditions are met, as outlined in the aforementioned form.
This approach is part of efforts to develop the investment environment and enhance traders’ confidence in securities activity by providing fair legal mechanisms that allow affected stakeholders to request reconsideration of disciplinary decisions through the specified form, whenever legal grounds and justifications exist.
The law also allows those penalized to file a grievance before the authority, and they can directly resort to the judiciary without needing to submit a petition or grievance.