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Authorities to investigate alleged abuses by caregivers of persons with disabilities

The Acting Director General of the Public Authority for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities, Wafaa Al-Muhanna affirmed that the Authority is committed to providing sustainable and effective care for persons with disabilities. She highlighted efforts to monitor violations in the care files to ensure the individual commitment of each case.

Al-Muhanna told KUNA on Sunday that efforts are underway to review all files of those responsible for caring for persons with disabilities. She emphasized about conducting periodic surprise checks to ensure proper use and prevent any misuse.
Moreover, Al-Muhanna added that the Authority will also verify compliance with Law No. (8) of 2010 and its regulations. This law grants the “Friends of the Disabled” team judicial control under Article (68) to protect the rights of persons with disabilities and ensure their access to a healthy and safe life.

Al-Muhanna explained that the team has identified several violations by those responsible for caring for people with disabilities. She noted that the violators have been referred to the investigation authorities for necessary legal action.
Importantly, Al-Muhanna highlighted several obligations outlined in the relevant law and regulations that caregivers must adhere to. These include residing with the person with a disability at the same address, not neglecting their care, and not leaving them for more than 45 days, among other responsibilities.

The court emphasized that non-compliance or neglect of a person with a disability can result in a penalty of up to one year in prison, as per the law. However, if harm occurs to the person with a disability, the penalty increases to up to three years in prison, in accordance with Article (61) of the law.

It is noteworthy that the judicial control decision of the “Friends of the Disabled” team was published in the Official Gazette on December 30, 2024. As a result, it is now binding on all individuals and entities to monitor violations of Law No. (8) of 2010 for Persons with Disabilities and take the necessary action against those responsible.

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