
Al Muzaini’s Transfer and Win Campaign

Transfer money and win big!

Transfer your money through Al Muzaini or use any of Al Muzaini Exchange’s services for a chance to win incredible prizes worth over $30,000!

Al Muzaini Exchange, the number one money exchange in Kuwait since 1942 announces its “Transfer and Win Campaign 2023”. Participants of the campaign must transfer money through Al Muzaini either by visiting any of Al Muzaini’s branches and self-service kiosks, transferring online through the website and by using the Al Muzaini application. Utilizing services such as Foreign Currency Exchange, Western Union, Bill Payments, Visa Direct and Bank-to-Bank transfers for the purpose of transferring money shall make customers eligible to win with Al Muzaini.

  • The exciting Grand Prize for the campaign is $10,000.
  • The campaign lasts from December 26, 2023 to February 29, 2024
  • There shall be daily winners winning cash prizes of $100, weekly winners winning cash prizes of $1000 and monthly winners winning cash prizes of $2500 each month until the end of the campaign.

Mr. Hugh Fernandes, the General Manager of Al Muzaini said “We are extremely excited to bring forth our Transfer and Win Campaign and wish to reward our customers for performing transactions with us and for giving us the chance to serve them. There are lots of prizes to be won and the campaign spans the length of two months. We will be immensely happy to see you winning big with the Al Muzaini Transfer and Win Campaign.”

Al Muzaini, always near you!

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